Giving Back During the Holidays

The holiday season is a popular time to reflect on the past year and donate to causes you care about. Donations not only aid people and organizations in need; they also confer a potential tax benefit to the giver. Recent changes to the tax code resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have also incentivized charitable giving, […]

4 Risks That Can Impact Your Retirement

Even with careful planning and diligent saving, some parts of retirement planning are out of your control. Factors like longevity, rising medical costs, and the ups and downs of the market can have an impact on your savings. But while you can’t plan for the unexpected per se, there are ways you can manage these […]

5 Tips for Reviewing an Early Retirement Offer

You’ve spent years planning and saving for your retirement. And then, out of the blue, your employer hands you an early retirement offer that could change everything. An early retirement, or “voluntary severance,” offer is a financial incentive to resign that an employer may offer to senior employees when they need to reduce payroll costs. […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Alternative Investments

Alternatives are investment options beyond the typical stocks, bonds and cash found in most portfolios. They can be tangible assets like precious metals, or they could be financial assets like private equity or hedge funds. Alternatives tend to be riskier than traditional assets, which means investors usually have to meet certain criteria to access them. […]

What is Inflation-And Why Is Everyone Talking About it?

Climbing commodity prices, ambitious government spending packages due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crash have resurrected a long[1]dormant fear: runaway inflation. But what is inflation, and is it something to worry about? A lot of the thinking surrounding inflation has changed over the years, and economists disagree on what causes it and […]

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Increased Charitable Giving

Group of people creating a donations poster

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted every facet of life, and shutdowns and layoffs have fueled great need in the U.S. Thankfully, there is good news regarding giving; donors have been giving at a record pace to support organizations that provide for basic needs like food and shelter. Donor-advised funds are showing substantial increases in grants to organizations and […]