I’ve been thinking about the traits that individuals who have developed True Wealth possess. In doing so, it became abundantly clear that these individuals at all ages and stages of life have five traits in common. These traits are also shared by those with a fitness mentality which often is about so much more than the actual workout. To create True Wealth, you have to embrace the long game, consistently sharpen your outlook on things, and seek to serve and support something so much bigger than yourself.
As a fitness enthusiast, I learned early on that fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Much like True Wealth development, it takes intentional planning and purpose-driven living to see it realized. In order to make it to the finish line you also have to embrace delayed gratification which has become increasingly challenging in the world we live in today. However, time waits for no one and our decisions today create our life for tomorrow, and in turn our legacy.
If you are looking to elevate your True Wealth in every and any area of your life, from health to relationships and finances to well-being, here are five traits to attain and refine:
- Consistency: This creates habits and ultimately drives momentum. Consistency also keeps you in a rhythm that will naturally build upon itself. From your nutrition and physical fitness to your work/life balance, consistency is a tool that can help you make progress steadily.
- Focus: In a world full of distractions, focus is paramount. Take the time to put pen to paper and write down your goals. By clearly defining your goals, and using them as your “True North” to guide your decisions, you will be able to sift through the noise more efficiently and effectively. Using your goals to help you stay the course towards long-term goals also helps ensure you don’t simply choose what you want now, at the expense of your future.
- Discipline: By definition, discipline means taking an action that completes, furthers, or solidifies a goal, not merely one’s thoughts and feelings. Without action, a goal remains an idea. Discipline helps you execute the action plan to bring a goal to life. Or as I can often be heard saying, “You have to be willing to do the things others won’t, so that you can be or have what others cannot obtain.”
- Grit: Channeling your passion and perseverance for the long-term goal is key to sustaining and thriving on your road to True Wealth. Realizing any type of goal is usually not easy, but almost always worth it. When the going gets tough, dig in, don’t give up.
- Delayed Gratification: We live in a world WHERE nearly everything is at our fingertips and can be delivered right to our front door in a matter of hours (or less). So, the concept of waiting for something to arrive that could take years seems daunting. Yet, that is where the magic happens. When working towards any goal, it is important to remember it is just as much about the journey as it is about the final result. In the game of True Wealth building, creators know that delayed gratification will make everything that much more fulfilling in the end.
We often think that we need a new season or a new year to kickstart a new project or idea. The reality is that with every breath we take we get a moment to begin again. Creating your True Wealth begins with YOU. Living with intention, fueled by purpose will be what ends up creating a life rich with True Wealth which encompasses so much more than monetary means.